Link Balancing vs Load Balancing
What is Link Balancing?
Link balancing is a network technology that is used to balance the load between the local area network (LAN) and the Internet. A link balancer is used between LAN and WAN (Wide Area Network).
Some Link Balancers increase the available bandwidth, performance, and redundancy. This technology uses direct traffic by using algorithms to decide which router and ISP have the most available bandwidth.
What is Load Balancing?
Load Balancing is traffic distribution coming from the internet to a server. Load balancing works with a virtual IP in front of real servers with IP. It works with Virtual IP as a load balancer and behind the Virtual IP is a series of real servers.
Some enterprises use load balancing to share traffic between servers for better performance so that none of the servers get overwhelmed with traffic.
What is The Different?
Link balancing and load balancing do similar jobs because they calculate the right traffic, which helps increase efficiency and speed without causing damage to the servers.
In simple words, the difference is
- Load Balancing controls traffic from the internet and distributes it to the best available server.
- Link Balancing distributes requests from LAN across multiple internet links and makes traffic reach destinations with the best routes.
Why Do You Need a Better Link Load Balancing for Business?
There's a bunch of networks in the business. By applying load balancing and optimizing inbound and outbound network traffic of multiple WAN links, Your business will get a perfect WAN optimization solution. Moving MPLS to SD-Wan is really help business to achieve more robust network.
Ensuring Business Operations Run Well With WAN
With WAN optimization systems such as load and link balancing, you can ensure business operations run well.
Accelerate Enterprise Application Performance
Faster response times of enterprise web applications with TCP congestion control, caching, and FastView (WPO) web performance optimization technology that accelerates application response times at the application level.
WAN Optimization Leads to Cost Reduction & Increased Productivity of Branch Employees
Increased employee productivity and reduced branch office costs with hybrid WAN architecture, alignment of WAN link capacity allocated based on application priority, and accelerated access to SaaS applications.